Turneringsregler Tårnby Cup 2024  



Alle kampe, bortset fra finalerunden, spilles med tidsbegrænsning.

Vi spiller 75 min, hvorefter der lyder et signal. Efter signalet kan den igangværende ende færdigspilles, plus 1 ende mere.

En ende anses som igangværende så snart sidste sten i den forudgående ende er kommet fuldstændigt til ro.  


Indledende grupper:

Holdene er inddelt i 6 indledende grupper og spiller 2 runder i disse grupper. Anden runde spilles efter rangering i gruppen.  

Efter 2. runde rangeres gruppernes sammen to og to (A og B; C og D; E og F) og tredje runde spilles efter rangering i disse nye grupper.  

Efter tredje runde rangeres alle hold sammen og mødes i 4. runde i rangeringsorden.  

Efter fjerde runde rangeres alle hold igen, og de 10 bedst rangerede hold spiller finalerunden. 


Rangering sker efter point-ender-sten, med forbehold for, at holdene kun kan møde hinanden en gang i de 3 første runder.  


Finalerunden spilles uden tidsbegrænsning.

Hvis 2 eller færre hold har maksimumpoints, spiller holdene rangeret 1 og 2 om 1. og 2. pladsen. 

Alle andre hold slutrangeres efter resultatet af alle spillede kampe.

Hvis 3 eller flere hold har maksimumpoints, danner holdene rangeret 1 – 4 en finalegruppe. Hold rangeret 1 møder holdet rangeret 4, hold rangeret 2 møder holdet rangeret 3. Den endelige placering i finalegruppen afgøres via rangering af de 4 finalegruppehold.  

Turneringens afvikling:  

Bortset fra regler nævnt ovenfor spilles turnering efter almindeligt anerkendte curlingregler fra WCF, som er gældende på nuværende tidspunkt, og i respekt for ”the spirit of curling”. Der er frit valg af kostehoved i turneringen. 

Skulle der opstå situationer der ikke kan afgøres af de involverede skippere, kan turneringslederen anmodes om at træffe afgørelse, men i lyset af            "the spirit of curling" bliver dette næppe nødvendigt.

Der spilles med regel R7 - No-tick shot

Hvis forud for leveringen af ​​den sjette sten af ​​en ende, en leveret sten forårsager, enten direkte eller indirekte, en oppositionssten i Free Guard Zone (FGZ) som rører midterlinjen, flyttes til en off-centerlinjeposition eller til en position uden for FGZ, har det ikke-spillende hold mulighed for at:

(i) Fjern den leverede sten fra spillet, og udskift alle sten, der varfortrængt til deres positioner før krænkelsen fandt sted;

(ii) Lad alle sten ligge, hvor de kom til at hvile.

Hvis stenen flyttes fra midterlinjen til en ude af spil position, så er FGZ regel R6(b) gælder. (5 guard rule)




Tournament rules Tårnby Cup 2024  


Time limit:

All matches, except the final round, are played with a time limit.

We play 75 minutes, after which a signal sounds. After the signal, the current end can be finished playing, plus 1 end more.

An end is considered ongoing as soon as the last stone in the preceding end has come to a complete standstill.  


Introductory groups:

The teams are divided into 6 preliminary groups and play 2 rounds in these groups. The second round is played according to ranking in the group.  

After the 2nd round, the groups together are ranked two and two (A and B; C and D; E and F) and the third round is played according to ranking in these new groups.  

After the 3rd round, all teams are ranked together and meet in the 4th round in the ranking order. 

After the 4th round, all teams are ranked again, and the 10 best ranked teams play the final round.  



Ranking is by point-end stone, with the proviso that the teams can only meet each other once in the first 3 rounds.  

Final round:  

The final round is played without time limit. 

If 2 or fewer teams have maximum points, the teams ranked 1st and 2nd play for 1st and 2nd place.

All other teams are ranked according to the result of all matches played. If 3 teams or more have maximum points, the teams ranked 1 - 4 form a final group. Team ranked 1 are meeting team ranked 4, team ranked 2 meeting team ranked 3. The final placement in the final group is decided by ranking of the 4 final group teams. 


Tournament Rules:  

Apart from the rules mentioned above, the tournament is played according to generally accepted curling rules from WCF, which are in force at present, and in respect of "the spirit of curling". There is free choice of broomheads in the tournament. 

Should situations arise that cannot be decided by the skippers involved, the tournament director may be asked to make a decision, but in the light of    "the spirit of curling" this becomes hardly necessary.

We ar playing with Rule R7 - No-tick shot

If, prior to the delivery of the sixth stone of an end, a delivered stone causeseither directly or indirectly, an opposition stone in the Free Guard Zone (FGZ)which is touching the centre line to be moved to an off-centre line position or toa position outside the FGZ, the non-offending team has the option to:

(i) Remove the delivered stone from play, and replace all stones that weredisplaced to their positions prior to the violation taking place;


(ii) Leave all stones where they came to rest.If the stone is moved from the centre line to an out-of-play position, then the FGZ rule R6(b) applies.